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Inn On Broadway
The Finger Lakes
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Less than a mile from the Amtrak station and only 5 miles from Greater Rochester International Airport, this elegant boutique hotel is located in a landmark 1929 building in central Rochester.
Firelight Camps in Ithaca
The Finger Lakes
Explore Firelight Camps in Ithaca Using Our Interactive Map
Pitched on the grounds of La Tourelle Resort and Spa in Ithaca, platform tents are furnished with hardwood floors, a king or queen bed with plush linens and safari-inspired furniture ..
Joseph Smith Farm Welcome Center
The Finger Lakes
Explore Joseph Smith Farm Welcome Center Using Our Interactive Map
Palmyra is home of Mormonism founder, Joseph Smith, and home to the world-famous Hill Cumorah Pageant.
Knapp Winery & Vineyard Restaurant
The Finger Lakes
Explore Knapp Winery & Vineyard Restaurant Using Our Interactive Map
Knapp Winery was the first winery in the Finger Lakes Appellation to plant and vinify the grape variety Cabernet Franc and makes its own cordials and aperitifs.
Lake Drum Brewing
The Finger Lakes
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Lake Drum Brewing, a small-batch brewery and cidery in the heart of downtown Geneva, is open daily, has a tasting room and also hosts live entertainment.
Lucas Vineyards
The Finger Lakes
Explore Lucas Vineyards Using Our Interactive Map
Three generations of the Lucas family invite you to come and experience the award winning wines at Cayuga Lake's oldest winery.
Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing Co. (micro/nano brewery)
The Finger Lakes
Explore Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing Co. (micro/nano brewery) Using Our Interactive Map
The brewers at Lunkenheimer Craft brewery love to experiment and offer an ever-changing variety of creative and unusual ales.
Montezuma Wildlife Refuge
The Finger Lakes
Explore Montezuma Wildlife Refuge Using Our Interactive Map
Situated in the middle of one of the most active flight lanes in the Atlantic Flyway, this 9,809-acre wildlife refuge today provides resting, feeding, and nesting habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds.
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