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Thousand Islands Winery
Thousand Islands
Explore Thousand Islands Winery Using Our Interactive Map
Thousand Islands Winery is your entertainment mecca for both local residents and visitors to the Thousand Islands region!
Tug Hill Estate
The Adirondacks
Explore Tug Hill Estate Using Our Interactive Map
The winery’s cozy tasting room offers daily tasting from their diverse wine selection, including sparkling wines, dry and sweet wines and a late harvest wine.
Landmark Inn
Central New York
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Situated on two lush acres, this beautiful 1856 Italianate mansion has been fully refurbished and guests can enjoy fireplaces, gardens and porches.
Discover Glamping and Luxury Camping
The Finger Lakes
Explore Discover Glamping and Luxury Camping Using Our Interactive Map
Unplug, unwind, and bring the luxury of a hotel outdoors. Plan a long, relaxing weekend at one of the area’s upscale glamping sites. (Summer to mid-Fall Seasonal)
The Green Front
The Finger Lakes
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The Green Front first opened in 1928, in the heart of the Prohibition era. The Italian-American Restaurant served as a speakeasy until 1933 when alcohol consumption became legal again.
Newtown Battlefield Reservation State Park
The Finger Lakes
Explore Newtown Battlefield Reservation State Park Using Our Interactive Map
Newtown Battlefield State Park was the site of the Battle of Newtown fought in August 1779, during the American Revolutionary War.
Inn at the Gaffer Grille
The Finger Lakes
Explore Inn at the Gaffer Grille Using Our Interactive Map
Located in Corning’s Market Street Historic District, this trendy hotel is a brief, 13-minute walk from the Corning Glass Museum.
Whitakers Sport Shop and Motel
Thousand Islands
Explore Whitakers Sport Shop and Motel Using Our Interactive Map
Located along the Salmon River, this rustic motel especially caters to fishermen and its sport shop boasts a full line of float fishing supplies and accessories.
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