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Discover the Re-imagined
Erie Canal
Slelo 502
Canal Corporation of NY State

From Historic Attractions to Recreation - The Erie Canal Inspires !

Low Bridge ev'ry body down, Low bridge for we're comin' to a town .. For 199 Years, the 363 mile-long Erie Canal has attracted and welcomed travelers and commerce. A marvel of engineering when it ws built, boats transit NY State from Albany to Buffalo by passing through 34 locks that raise or lower the water level by as much as 565 feet.


Stay Tuned for the Many State and World-wide Celebrations

that will Commemorate the Famed Erie Canal's 200th. Anniversary in 2025 !


The Canals have been recently 're-imagined'  to accommodate Recreational Activities - including Hiking, Biking, Kayaking, Boating and Fishing - and the results are even more exciting than expected.
'On the Canals'  hosts Activites and Upcoming Programs for both Summer and Winter, including hiking, biking, paddling, artistry, snowshoeing, and sightseeing.
Great Places to Dine & Stay in Canal Towns  with easy access to boat tours  and historic attractions  make the Erie Canal an Ideal Destination  for Daytrippers, Weekenders & Vacationers.


Experience New York's extraordinary Canal System with over 500 miles of interconnected waterways,

accessible trails, welcoming communities, and attractions

that make the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor a place for all to explore and enjoy.




Erie Canal Subcategories


Map of the (E-W) Erie Canal, including its three (N-S) laterals - the Champlain, Cayuga-Seneca, and Oswego Canals