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in Thousand Islands

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Wooden Boat Inn
Thousand Islands
Explore Wooden Boat Inn Using Our Interactive Map
Located just one block from the world famous Antique Boat Museum, at Wooden Boat Inn you can stay in a room, a house or a boat!
Wreck of the David W. Mills
Thousand Islands
Explore Wreck of the David W. Mills Using Our Interactive Map
Shallow depths and the absence of penetration areas make this a popular dive for newly certified divers and experienced divers alike ..
Wreck of the Islander - Diving
Thousand Islands
Explore Wreck of the Islander - Diving Using Our Interactive Map
A fascinating dive, the wreck of the ISLANDER is located in shallow water at the end of Market Street in Alexandria Bay.
Wreck of the Mary Kay
Thousand Islands
Explore Wreck of the Mary Kay Using Our Interactive Map
Underwater photographers and videographers appreciate the bright natural light, and the vessel’s machinery make good photo props. There are a variety of fish that inhabit the area.
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park at Mexico, NY
Thousand Islands
Explore Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park at Mexico, NY Using Our Interactive Map
Located just 2 miles from Lake Ontario, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park is situated on the Little Salmon River, providing fun and relaxation for all ages.
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